Всемирный Женский Бизнес Форум

Nassiba Atayeva

Rima Balanaskiene

Ekaterina Balanovskaya
Executive Director of the Central Company Visotsky Consulting
Management consulting

Irma Barbakadze
Founder, Director Georgia Global Connections, NGO

Diana Blazaitiene

Lyudmila Bogush

Evgeniia Bondarenko

Larissa Bondarenko
Business education for kids and teens

Ilona Bordian

Irena Byshko
Psychosocial rehabilitation for families with addiction.

Anna Chicherina
provision of IT services. sale of paintings

Nino Chikvashvili

Nataliya Choban
provision of dental services:
whitening tooth

Vera Chub

Natalia Danilova
Manicure, training, online training

Janice Dru-Bennett
Head of Marketing & Founder

Irina Frenkel
Cultural policy in the field of intangible cultural heritage.

Sima Girzadaite

Elena Gluschenko.

Yana Goloshivets

Anna Gorobchyk

Viktoriia Humeniuk

Elena Isaeva
Wholesale of chemical materials for foundry production in Ukraine

Farida Jikibayeva

Algone Junokiene

Alla Kaliuzhna

Nadia Karunas
We create clothes that inspire and energize.Fashion

Liliya Kislitsyna

Inna Kogan

Petya Koseva

Lidia Lukovych

Oksana Luzhetska
Healthy Food and healthy way of living services

Tata Lysogorova


Firuza Nasyrova
Our main mission is development Tajikistan through the development of business education. Also, we create projects for development of woman leadership and entrepreneurship

Lyubov Malyutina
We help build effective internal and external business processes and business relationships in the "Owner - TOP managers" team in order to achieve business goals with less effort and more profit.

Tanya Marcheva

Vanessa Martinez

Nokuthula (Nox) Magwaza

Zhanna Menshykova
Commercial Director Media holding Prosto
Media, advertising

Deimante Mitkuviene

Elena Monke
Science and education

Diana Moroz

Saulė Motiejūnienė

Lilia Oliynyk

Iryna Plakhtiy

Joulia Polisouk

Kateryna Pokhylyuk
Salesian Congregation of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church

Elena Poplinska
Touroperator in selling and organizing cruises, business tours, air ticket sales, own incentive programs in Europe and Asia

Irina Popovskaya

Elvira Privalova

Ligia Aguayo Rosado

Raushan Sarsembayeva
-formation of a high status and image of a business woman, regardless of the field of activity and social orientation;
-consolidation of the efforts of business women aimed at developing initiative, entrepreneurship, innovation;
-assistance to women in social and life orientation in the conditions of building a civil society and developing democracy.

Tetiana Semikop
support for people, especially women and children, who find themselves in a difficult life situation; prevention of domestic and gender-based violence; combating human trafficking; promoting women's rights to access to politics and decision-making

Oksana Shmid
CEO American LoveQ SCHOOL
Lectures, courses, coaching, transformational programs of modern femininity

Wendy Silinyana
Founder and Director

Tatiana Slautinskaya
health, beauty, aesthetic dentistry

Victoria Spashchenko
Coaching, training and faciliation. Field of expertise: management and communications of multi-cultural teams, Solution-Focused changes.

Liudmyla Stanislavenko
Assistance to orphanages, shelters and children's hospitals, organization of children's parties and events, purchase of medical equipment and medicines, material and technical support, treatment of seriously ill children.

Natalia Tunduk

Anna Tutberidze-Kiseleva
Creation and implementation of individual tours in Georgia, acquaintance of guests with the history and mark of origin the country.

Skaidra Vaicekauskiene
Certified Adobe Training Center

Elena Vykhrystiuk

Aurika Vranchanu
Infomir is a group of companies that specializes in the development, design, manufacture, and maintenance of hi-tech solutions such as IPTV/OTT devices, lighting technologies, and metering equipment.

Hnin Wai (Ms.)